3 Quotes & Sayings By Rebecca Gordon

A former Bi-Courtney Fellow at the University of California, Berkeley School of Law, Rebecca Gordon is the author of The Moral Dream: Imagining Justice for Ourselves and the World (Princeton University Press), which won the 2007 National Book Critics Circle Award for Nonfiction. She is also co-author of two books on civil liberties, including Surveillance Valley: The Secret Military History of the Internet (The New Press).

The Black Woman is amazingly strong, truly powerful, deeply visionary, has incredible worth and much love and goodness within that she is willing to share. She is to be honoured, yet must begin first to see and honour all of this (and much more) within and about herself. Let us see this more in who we truly are and live, when we do, we will attract more of the greatness that we absolutely deserve. Rebecca Gordon
Raise the bar and set yourself some new challenges. You can accomplish more than you think. Rebecca Gordon